The second teaching building

The second teaching building

第二教学楼,又称“西楼”,建成于 1953 年 12 月,为东校区最早建筑之一,与它同时完工的,尚有民主楼、食堂、水塔、机具库、实习工厂、校门等。在这批最早建成的建筑中,有些已被拆除,西楼是被保留下来的老建筑之一。西楼的建筑面积为 6000 平米,其中 200 人教室 2 个,120 人教室 6 个,50 人教室 36个;建成之初,兼有办公室、教研室、图书馆功能,新中国培养的第一批农业机械化人才都曾在这里度过难忘的大学时光。历经半个多世纪的沧桑,西楼现更名为第二教学楼,仍是学校主要的教学场所之一。设计者、技术专家王朝杰,以“经济、适用、坚固”方针规划、建设此楼,楼宇与同期及稍后建筑相似,均体现出朴素、简约的建筑风格,只在外墙以凸砖为装饰,使建筑物外立面具有特殊的质感和美感,并形成抑扬顿挫的节奏感与韵律感。

Introduction to Works
The Second Teaching Building, also known as the "West Building", was built in December 1953 and is one of the earliest buildings in the East Campus, It was also completed at the same time, including the Democracy Building, cafeteria, water tower, machinery warehouse, internship factory, and school gate, etc. Among these earliest buildings, some have been demolished, and the West Tower is one of the preserved old buildings. The building area of the West Building is 6000 square meters, including 2 classrooms with 200 people, 6 classrooms with 120 people, and 36 classrooms with 50 people; At the beginning of its construction, it served as an office, teaching and research office, and library. The first batch of agricultural mechanization talents trained in New China all spent unforgettable university time here. After more than half a century of vicissitudes, the West Building is now renamed as the Second Teaching Building and remains one of the main teaching venues of the school. Designer and technical expert Wang Chaojie planned and constructed this building with the policy of "economy, applicability, and sturdiness". The building is similar to contemporary and later buildings, reflecting a simple and minimalist architectural style. Only convex bricks are used as decorations on the exterior walls, giving the exterior facade of building a special texture and beauty, and form a sense of rhythm and rhythm with ups and downs.