Old Gate of East Campus

Old Gate of East Campus

中国农业大学东校区前身为北京农业机械化学院,1952 年由北京农业大学农业机械系与中央农业部机耕学校、华北农业机械专科学校等合并成立;1985 年,更名为北京农业工程大学;1995 年,与北京农业大学合并,成为中国农业大学东校区。农机学院老校门建于 1953 年底,是中国农业机械化运动激情燃烧岁月的历史见证。校门为凸字型,大门凸起,两侧各是门房。建筑线条简单,材料用烧结砖,以凸砖为装饰,采用中国古代建筑中常用的两排四柱三开间全通透过堂式的形制,柱身漆成红色,柱顶有装饰性的斗拱,斗拱和樑枋饰有彩绘,过堂顶部是藻井,具有鲜明的中国传统建筑特色,其在当时的大学校门中独树一帜。校门建成后不久,其摄影照片即被著名历史地理学家侯仁之作为配图引用于《首都的新建设》一文中,并刊发于《人民画报》。2000 年以后,老校门被改造成颇具特色的书店;2010 年,学校重新修缮老校门,复其旧貌,并逐渐成为校园内代表性景观建筑之一。

Introduction to Works
The East Campus of China Agricultural University, formerly known as Beijing Agricultural Mechanization College, In 1952, it was established by the merger of Agricultural Machinery Department of Beijing Agricultural University, the Central Ministry of Agriculture Machine Farming School, and North China Agricultural Machinery College, etc; In 1985, Renamed as Beijing Agricultural Engineering University; In 1995, it merged with Beijing Agricultural University and became the East Campus of China Agricultural University. The old gate of the Agricultural Machinery College was built at the end of 1953, which is a historical witness to the passionate burning years of China's agricultural mechanization movement. The old gate is in a convex shape, a raised gate together with houses on each side.The architectural lines are simple, and the materials used are fired Brick construction, decorated with convex bricks, adopt the two-row, four-pillar and three-bay all-through hall style commonly used in Chinese ancient architecture,The column body is painted red, the top of the column is decorated with arch of wooden architecture, arch of wooden architecture and beam fillet are decorated with colored paintings, and the top of the hall,It is a caisson with distinct traditional Chinese architectural characteristics, which stood out among the university gates at that time. Shortly after the completion of the school gate, its photographic photos were cited as supporting images by the famous historical geographer Hou Renzhi in the article "New Construction of the Capital" and published in the People's Pictorial. After 2000, the old school gate was transformed into a distinctive bookstore; In 2010, the school renovated the old school gate, restored its original appearance, And gradually becoming one of the representative landscape buildings on campus.