Old Water Tower

Old Water Tower

老水塔,是学校师生们于 1952 年为解决生活用水问题而修建的建筑之一。这一建筑采用具有独特颜色的“琉璃砖”砌成,周身呈现红里透紫,紫中带黑的独特质感:通体素然,且干净雅致。从春到秋,老水塔静静地伫立在校园中,攀附在她身上的爬山虎由绿变红,绿是充满生机的绿,红是惬意醉人的红,红绿交织遮映着老水塔简朴的身躯。在农大人眼中,老水塔是一种象征,她卓然独立的身姿蕴含着农大人独有的气质:简朴无华、默默付出,却又生机盎然,激情澎湃。在当下的网络时代,在 bbs 里畅游的新新人类又将古朴的老水塔奉为惬意、酣畅、勃发的虚拟意象,以及联结过去、现在与未来的校园文化象征。今天,虽然校园内更高层、更现代的建筑不断涌现,老水塔早已完成自己的历史使命,也渐渐于喧哗后归于沉寂,但它却成农大校园一道和谐而美丽的文化景观。

Introduction to Works
The Old Water Tower is one of the buildings built by teachers and students in 1952 to solve the supply of water use. This building is built with unique colored "glazed bricks", presenting a unique texture of red in purple and a purple with black: this whole body is natural, clean and elegant. From spring to autumn, the old water tower stands quietly in the campus, with the ivy climbing on her body turning from green to red. Green is full of vitality, and red is a pleasant and intoxicating red. The interweaving of red and green highlights the simple body of the old water tower. In the eyes of people from Agricultural University, The Old Water Tower is a symbol, and its outstanding and independent figure embodies the unique temperament of farmers: simple and unadorned, silently giving, yet full of vitality and passion. In the current era of the internet, new-new humans who roam freely on BBS regard the quaint old water tower as comfortable, lively, and thriving virtual image, as well as a symbol of campus culture that connect the past, present, and future. Today, although higher and more modern buildings continue to emerge on campus, the Old Water Tower has already completed its historical mission and gradually fell silent after the noise, it has become a harmonious and beautiful cultural landscape on the campus of Agricultural University.