The old gate of Agricultural University

The old gate of Agricultural University

农科大学老校门是校园内标志性建筑之一,庄重典雅、气势雄浑,位于西区主楼和综合楼之间的广场中央。老校门门楼高 8.5 米,砖石结构,正门为拱劵形制,上部牌楼两侧立柱采用古希腊爱奥尼亚式形制,恰合京师大学堂“中学为体,西学为用”的主张;额坊上是栩栩如生的飞龙和如意祥云传统图案,正中为手书“农科大学”。中国农业大学最早可溯源于 1905 年创建的京师大学堂农科大学,老校门原型始建于 1912 年前后,原坐落在罗道庄校区,后因时世变迁,老校门原址被拆毁。2004 年,在迎接农大百年校庆之际,我校园艺学院李险峰老师以校工会渠道联合曲瑛德等青年老师,以史料照片为依据,以校园现场空间为创作载体,基于“老校门原址”重新设计打造“老校门景观”,并于 2005 年 7 月建成。如今,西区老校门联结着中国农业大学的过去、现在与未来,凝聚着农大历届师生的归属与情怀,已成为中国农业大学具有标志性的文化景观。

Introduction to Works
The old gate of Agricultural University is one of the iconic buildings on campus, solemn, elegant, and majestic, located in the center of the square between the main building and the comprehensive building in the western district. The gate tower of the old school gate is 8.5 meters high, with a brick and stone structure, and the main entrance is in the shape of an arched arches, and the columns on both sides of the upper archway are in the ancient Greek Ionian style, which is in line with the concept of “Chinese learning for the essence, Western learning for practical use” of the JingShi University. On the upper archway, there are lifelike traditional patterns of flying dragons and auspicious clouds, with handwritten calligraphy in the center “Agricultural University”. The earliest origin of China Agricultural University can be traced back to the Agricultural University of JingShi University, founded in 1905, the prototype of the old school gate was first built around 1912, originally located in the Luodaozhuang campus. However, due to changes in times, the original site of the old school gate was demolished. In 2004, on the occasion of welcoming the centennial anniversary of Agricultural University, Professor Li Xianfeng from the College of Arts, in collaboration with young teachers such as Qu Yingde through the school's trade union channel, based on historical photos and the campus site space as the creative carrier, redesigned and created the "Old School Gate Landscape" based on the "original site of the old school gate", which was completed in July 2005. Nowadays, the old gate of the West District connects the past, present, and future of China Agricultural University, and embodies the belonging and emotions of previous teachers and students of the university. It has become a landmark cultural landscape of China Agricultural University.