The Horticultural Building

The Horticultural Building

园艺楼,原为“科研楼”,于 1983 年竣工,地上 13 层,地下 2 层,总高49.06 米,建筑面积达 10350 平方米。彼时的科研楼为各专业配备了教学、科研之用的大型仪器设备,装备了中心实验室,承担了全校实验学习的职责。2002 年陈章良校长在任期间,曾在其上树立起“中国农业大学”6 个霓虹灯大字,当驾车驶入北五环,远远地就能看到此楼,这也成为中国农大当时最靓丽的一张名片。2012 年夏天,科研楼更名为“园艺楼”,楼前的草坪上竖起一块石碑,“园艺楼”三个大字刻于其上。园艺楼前的“拓荒牛”雕塑——厚重、扎实,寄托着开拓创新、勤勉刻苦的精神与理念,与其后“园美丽九州,艺精济民生”的院训交相辉映,为每一位园艺学子指明着奋斗方向。

Introduction to Works
The Horticultural Building, originally known as the "Research Building", was completed in 1983. It has 13 floors above ground and 2 floors underground, with a total height of 49.06 meters, with a building area of 10350 square meters. At that time, the research building was equipped with large instruments and equipment for teaching and research purposes for various majors, equipped with a central laboratory, which undertakes the responsibility of experimental learning for the entire school. During President Chen Zhangliang's tenure in 2002, he erected the six neon lights "China Agricultural University" on it, As the car drove into the North Fifth Ring Road, one could see this building from a distance, which became the most beautiful business card of China Agricultural University at that time. In the summer of 2012, the research building was renamed "Horticultural Building", and a stone tablet was erected on the lawn in front of the building, and the three big characters "Horticultural Building" were engraved on it. The sculpture of the "Pioneering Cow" in front of the Horticultural Building is heavy and solid, embodying the spirit and philosophy of exploration, innovation, diligence, and hard work. It complements the academy's motto of "Beautiful Gardens in Nine Provinces, Fine Arts for People's Livelihood" and points out the direction of struggle for every horticultural student.