Bronze statue of Mr. Li Jingxiong

Bronze statue of Mr. Li Jingxiong

李竞雄(1913—1997),江苏苏州人,植物细胞遗传学家、玉米遗传育种学家、农业教育家。1936 年毕业于浙江大学;1948 年获康乃尔大学博士学位;历任清华大学和北京农业大学教授、中国农业科学院研究员;1980 年,当选为中国科学院生物学部院士。李竞雄先生是新中国玉米育种事业的奠基人,也是中国利用杂交优势选育玉米杂交种的开拓者,在玉米育种事业上辛勤耕耘半个多世纪,为中国玉米育种事业的发展、玉米品种的改良做出了巨大贡献。1956 年,育成首批“农大号”玉米双杂交种,在生产上得到了大面积推广应用。20 世纪 70 年代,带领团队历时三年培育的“中单 2 号”问世,该品种为国家创造了巨大的财富,荣获 1978 年全国科学大会奖和 1984 年国家发明一等奖。李竞雄先生铜像,由我校园艺学院李险峰教授设计、塑造而成,并于 2003 年落成,伫立于西区国家玉米改良中心大楼西侧。铜像取坐姿全身像,以写实的塑造手法,融入整体空间环境。先生西装革履、神采奕奕,宽边眼镜后面的双眸闪烁着温和的光芒,和蔼可亲的脸上挂着慈祥的微笑,深情凝望着远方。

Introduction to Works
Li Jingxiong (1913-1997), was a plant cell geneticist, maize genetic breeder, and agricultural educator, who born in Suzhou, Jiangsu. He graduated from Zhejiang University in 1936; He obtained a doctoral degree from Cornell University in 1948; Formerly served as a professor at Tsinghua University and Beijing Agricultural University, as well as a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; In 1980, he was elected as an academician of the Biology Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Mr. Li Jingxiong is the founder of the corn breeding industry in New China and also a pioneer in using hybrid advantages to breed hybrid corn varieties in China. He has worked hard in the corn breeding industry for more than half a century and made tremendous contributions to the development of China's corn breeding industry and the improvement of corn varieties. In 1956, the first batch of "Nongdahao" maize double hybrid varieties were bred and widely promoted and applied in production. In the 1970s, "Zhongdan 2", which took three years to cultivate under the leadership of the team, was launched. This variety created huge wealth for the country and won the National Science Conference Award in 1978 and the National Invention First Prize in 1984. The bronze statue of Mr. Li Jingxiong was designed and shaped by Professor Li Xianfeng from our campus art college, and was completed in 2003. It stands on the west side of the National Corn Improvement Center building in the western region. The bronze statue takes a seated full body posture and incorporates realistic modeling techniques into the overall spatial environment. The gentleman was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking lively. His eyes behind his wide rimmed glasses flickered with a gentle light, and his amiable face wore a kind smile, gazing affectionately into the distance.