Split Ball

Split Ball

“剖开的球”雕塑作品位于东校区体育馆前草坪,由我校园艺学院李险峰老师于 2003 年设计完成。剖开后的球体在视觉上形成了不断扩展的彩色阶梯,如同球体释放出源源不断的能量;一条条不同颜色的线条从一个银色球体中层层舒展开来,色彩绚烂、造型独特,吸引着无数前来参观者的目光。层层阶梯,象征着校园中莘莘学子在知识的助力下不断攀登、不断成长,也象征着我们的校园是和谐的、有秩序的整体;一层层变化的色彩则代表着大学校园生活的丰富多彩与青春活力。具有反光材质的球面印衬出鲜绿的草坪、树木以及来来往往的人群,反映了其承载着人文与自然相结合的设计理念,这也与中国农业大学顺应自然、绿色发展的教育理念相契合。

Introduction to Works
The sculpture of "Split Ball" is located on the lawn in front of the gymnasium in the East Campus, was created and completed by teacher Li Xianfeng from my art college in 2003. The dissected sphere forms a continuously expanding colored staircase visually, just like the sphere releasing a continuous stream of energy; Lines of different colors stretch out layer by layer from a silver sphere, with brilliant colors and unique shapes, attracting the attention of countless visitors. The layers of stairs symbolize the continuous climbing and growth of students on campus with the help of knowledge, and also symbolize that our campus is a harmonious and orderly whole; The layers of changing colors represent the richness and diversity, youth and vitality of university campus life. The spherical printing with reflective material highlights the bright green lawn, trees, and the crowds coming and going, reflecting its design concept of combining humanities and nature, which is also in line with the educational philosophy of China Agricultural University to adapt to nature and green development.