Statue of Shennong

Statue of Shennong

相传,神农氏本是三皇之一,出生在烈山的一个石洞里。由于他的勤劳勇敢,长大后被人们推为部落首领,因为他的部落居住在炎热的南方,称炎族,大家就称他为炎帝。有一次他见鸟儿衔种,由此发明了五谷农业;他看到人们得病,又到都广之野登建木上天帝花园取瑶草而遇天帝赠神鞭,神农拿着这根神鞭从都广之野走一路鞭一路回到了烈山。神农尝百草多次中毒,都多亏了茶解毒。因誓言要尝遍所有的草,最后因尝断肠草而逝世。人们为纪念他的恩德和功绩,称他为神农,奉他为药王神,并建药王庙四时祭祀。神农炎帝像原作立于山西省长治市,由著名雕刻家钱绍武于 1998 年塑造而成;而位于我校西区凤鸣广场草坪的神农炎帝像,是由山西省长治市人民政府、中国农业大学山西省校友会于 2005 年百年校庆之际所捐赠的复制版,此塑像旨在鼓舞中国农业大学的学子们如神农一般,想他人之不敢想,为他人之不敢为,勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业,在强农兴农之路上踏出属于自己的足迹。

Introduction to Works
According to legend, Shennong was originally one of the Three Emperors and was born in a cave in Lieshan. Due to his diligence and bravery, he was promoted to the position of tribal leader when he grew up. As his tribe lived in the hot south, he was known as the Yan tribe, and everyone called him Emperor Yan. Once he saw birds carrying seeds, which led to the invention of grain agriculture; He saw people getting sick, and then went to the wilderness of Duguang to climb trees and go to the Heavenly Emperor's Garden to fetch gemmy grass. However, he met the Heavenly Emperor who gave him a divine whip. With this whip, Shennong walked all the way from the wilderness of Duguang and whipped back to Lieshan. Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and was poisoned multiple times, thanks to the detoxification of tea. Because he swore to taste all the grass, he passed away in the end because he tasted the Heartbroken Grass. To commemorate his kindness and achievements, people call him Shennong, worship him as the God of Medicine, and build a Medicine King Temple to worship him for four seasons. The original statue of Emperor Yan of Shennong was erected in Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, and was created by the famous sculptor Qian Shaowu in 1998; The statue of Emperor Yan of Shennong, located on the lawn of Fengming Square in the western district of our university, was a replica donated by the People's Government of Changzhi City in Shanxi Province and the Shanxi Alumni Association of China Agricultural University on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the university in 2005. The purpose of this statue is to inspire students of China Agricultural University to be like Shennong, not daring to think of others, not daring to act for others, diligent and conscientious, and to step in their own footsteps on the road to strengthening agriculture and promoting agriculture.