Bronze statue of Mr. Xin Dehui

Bronze statue of Mr. Xin Dehui

辛德惠(1931-1999),辽宁开原人,土壤学家、农业生态学家、农业教育家。1954 年毕业于北京农业大学土化系;1958 年赴莫斯科大学生物土壤系攻读研究生;1962 年获莫斯科大学生物科学土壤部门副博士学位;1995 年当选为中国工程院院士。辛德惠先生是农田生态工程设计的开拓者之一,20 世纪 70 年代初,提出了“浅井—深沟体系”,对改良河北省黑龙港地区乃至整个黄淮海平原的盐碱地具有重要的理论与实践意义,取得了巨大的经济效益,被曲周人民誉为“改土治碱,造福曲周”的功臣;20 世纪 80 年代后,创立了“泛生态学”——普适性工程生态设计及理论;较早地采用系统论的方法综合考虑人类社会发展问题,为生产—经济—资源—环境—社会—文化—技术的协同发展提供了理论基础和可操作方法。铜像坐落在西区出版社小楼前花园的绿树丛中,于 2005 年农大百年校庆时落成。整个青铜像高 2.7 米,寓意着先生扎根曲周大地、奉献青春年华的 27 个春秋。辛德惠先生用实际行动践行了“责任、奉献、科学、为民”的曲周精神,鼓舞和激励着后辈们前进。

Introduction to Works
Xin Dehui (1931-1999), was a soil scientist, agricultural ecologist, and agricultural educator, who born in Kaiyuan, Liaoning, And he graduated from the Department of Geochemistry at Beijing Agricultural University in 1954; In 1958, he went to the Department of Biological Soil at Moscow University to pursue a graduate degree; In 1962, he obtained an associate doctoral degree in the Department of Soil and Biological Sciences from Moscow University; In 1995, he was elected as an academician of the CAE (Chinese Academy of Engineering) Member. Mr. Xin Dehui was one of the pioneers in the design of agricultural ecological engineering in the early 1970s, he Proposed the "shallow well deep ditch system", which has important theoretical and practical significance for improving the saline alkali land in the Heilonggang area of Hebei Province and even the entire sea plain of Huanghuai . He has achieved huge economic benefits, and is praised by the people of Quzhou as a hero of "improving soil and alkali, benefiting Quzhou"; After the 1980s, "pan-ecology" - universal engineering ecological design and theory was established; The early adoption of systems theory to comprehensively consider human social development issues provided a theoretical basis and actionable approach for the coordinated development of production, economy, resources, environment, society, culture, and technology. The bronze statue is located among the green trees in the garden in front of the small building of the West District Publishing House, and was completed during the 100th anniversary of Agricultural University in 2005. The entire bronze statue is 2.7 meters high, symbolizing the 27 spring and autumn seasons when the gentleman rooted himself in the winding earth and devoted his youth. Mr. Xin Dehui has put into practice the Quzhou spirit of "responsibility, dedication, science, and serving the people" through practical actions, inspiring and inspiring younger generations to move forward.