Bronze statue of Mr. Yu Dafu

Bronze statue of Mr. Yu Dafu

俞大绂(1901-1993),浙江绍兴人,著名科学家、教育家,卓越的植物病理学家、微生物学家。1932 年获美国依阿华大学博士学位;回国后,历任金陵大学、昆明清华大学农业研究所教授,北京大学农学院院长、教授,中央研究院院士、评议员;1949 年北京农业大学成立后,曾任校长和名誉校长;先后任中国植物病理学会理事长、中国农学会副理事长、中国农业科学院学术委员会副主任;1955 年当选为中国科学院学部委员、院士;1956 年当选为苏联农业科学院通讯院士;是第三届全国政协委员,第四、五、六届全国政协常务委员。俞大绂先生是我国植物病理学和农业微生物学的奠基人之一,开拓了我国植物细菌学、植物病毒学、植物抗病育种和病生理等多方面的研究领域,率先在北京农业大学成立了我国第一个农业微生物学专业。俞大绂先生铜像坐落在西区主楼后南侧草坪中,由我校园艺学院李险峰教授设计、塑造而成,并于 2011 年俞大绂先生诞辰 110周年之际落成。铜像为坐姿,先生身着中山装,眼睛平视前方,神情自然平和,双手自然垂放,书卷、手杖不离身边,给人以宁静安详之感,呈现出谦和善思的长者形象。

Introduction to Works
Yu Dafu (1901-1993), was a renowned scientist, educator, outstanding plant pathologist, and microbiologist, who born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. In 1932, he obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Iowa in the United States; After returning to China, he served as a professor at the Agricultural Research Institute of Jinling University and Tsinghua University in Kunming, as well as the Dean and Professor of the School of Agriculture at Peking University, and an academician and evaluator of the Academia Sinica; Scholars and evaluators; After the establishment of Beijing Agricultural University in 1949, he served as the president and honorary president; He has successively served as the Chairman of the Chinese Society of Plant Pathology, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Agricultural Society, and Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; In 1955, he was elected as a member and academician of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Elected as the Communication Officer of the Soviet Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1956; He is a member of the 3rd National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a standing committee member of the 4th, 5th, and 6th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Mr. Yu Dafu, he is one of the founders of plant pathology and agricultural microbiology in China, pioneering the field of plant bacteriology and plant microbiology, the research fields of virology, plant disease resistance breeding, and disease physiology were first established at Beijing Agricultural University. The first agricultural microbiology major in China has been established. The bronze statue is located on the south lawn behind the main building in the western district, designed and shaped by Professor Li Xianfeng from my campus art college, and was completed on the 110th birthday of the anniversary in 2011. The bronze statue is in a sitting position, and the gentleman is dressed in Chinese tunic suit. His eyes are straight ahead, and his expression is naturally calm, drop hands naturally, and the scroll and cane remain close to one's side, giving a sense of peace and tranquility, presenting a humble and thoughtful elderly image.