Cloning sheep

Cloning sheep

“晨间匆匆赶去上课,午间疾行冲向食堂,晚间快步走回宿舍......在我们的匆匆里,几只小羊站在草坪中安静闲适地觅食,它们有的抬头张望,有的偏头凝思,每每经过此处,都仿佛置身农场,闲适自在。”2004 年,学校进入建设校园文化氛围的全新时期,园艺学院李险峰教授从当时“克隆羊”“克隆牛”的热门话题中汲取灵感,以钢材为表现媒介,以焊接技术为衔接手段,从设计与美观、景观与空间的视角设计、“克隆”出五只大小不一、神态各异的羊的形象。在设计、制作过程中,李险峰教授反复修改设计图,然后做成小稿,小稿取得认可后即做成等大的泥塑模型,再做成玻璃钢的模型以便在上面画线,工厂的工人们按照画的线将金属一点点焊上去;而由于雕塑的焊接点太多,金属就容易变形,变形后又要锤炼。所以五只羊在焊接与锤炼间反反复复花费了不少时间,但正是基于严谨的选材与锻造态度,这几只羊到现在依然结实如固,成为西校区的一大地

Introduction to Works
Hurrying to class in the morning, rushing towards the cafeteria in the afternoon, and briskly walking back to the dormitory in the evening... In our hurry, a few lambs stood quietly and leisurely on the lawn, some looking up, some turning their heads to contemplate. Every time they passed by, they felt as if they were on a farm, relaxed and at ease." In 2004, the school entered a new era of building a campus cultural atmosphere. Professor Li Xianfeng from the Horticultural College drew inspiration from the popular topics of "cloned sheep" and "cloned cows" at that time, using steel as the medium of expression and welding technology as a connecting means. From the perspectives of design and aesthetics, landscape and space, he designed and "cloned" the images of five sheep of different sizes and postures. During the design and production process, Professor Li Xianfeng repeatedly modified the design drawings and made them into small drafts. After the small drafts were approved, they were made into clay models of equal size, and then made into fiberglass models for drawing lines on them. The factory workers welded the metal bit by bit according to the drawn lines; Due to too many welding points in the sculpture, the metal is prone to deformation, and after deformation, it needs to be hammered. So the five sheep spent a lot of time repeatedly between welding and tempering, but it was precisely because With a rigorous selection and forging attitude, these few sheep are still as sturdy as ever, becoming a landmark landscape of the West Campus.